Completed Projects

Augmented Clinical Assistant
Completed Projects
Five Types of Diabetes
Degradation Causes
Conversation Manager
IVR Journey Mapping & Dashboard
Multi-Policy Authentication Failure Insights
Call Mis-routing
Health Risk Prevention
COSMOS - Investigation
Content Analytics Migration & Integration Strategy
Claim Appeals Triage
Identify Causes for Call Quality Degradation
OCOM Analytics and ML
Clickstream Initial Project
Claims Manual Adjudication & Rework - Pre-Analysis
Claims AI - Duplicate Use Case POC
Chart Operations NPI Research
Claim Overpayment Predictions
CSP Provider Pick
Cardiovascular Recovery - Research
CVR – Harden
Project Cypher
BDPass Deep Learning Benchmarking
Dental Provider Match
Creating new records as not matched
CVD Prediction in Emergency Departments
Charts for EHR - Attention Model
Detection of Foot orientation and position
Guardium Proof of Concept
Improve HouseCalls Success
HouseCalls Predictor on Cohort (OptumCare)
HRV Research
VMWare-GOAL: Cognitive Agents Demo
VMWare Cognitive Agents-Production Implementation
Extend Capabilities of VMWare Agent
DevOps Meta-Analysis of IA on Critical Infrastructure
IT Project Sizer
Medication Adherence Analysis
Malware Anomaly Detection PoC
Member ID Classifier Development
Medical Identity Theft POV estimates
Medical Record Document Identification
NLP Microservice
Review the NPS Data
Voicemail Assistant - Phase 2 Pilot
IVR Ovations NPS Improvements
Provider BIC - initial investigation
Pre-cachexia Identification using Deep Learning
Prescribing Instructions parsing and Understand (ScriptSwitch)
Provider Pick Improvement Phase 1 - Type
Predict Provider
Clinical Documentation Classification
Identification of Repeat Caller
Repeat Caller California
Anomaly Detection
Social Network Analysis - UHG | Twitter
Speech Chatbot
SenSight Data Analysis
Weight Loss Percentage
Systolic Blood Pressure
Call Transcription Study
Speech Transcription , Kaldi Improvements
Access and Analysis of Real Subro Data
Translation Service
Denial Patterns and Member Impact
Resubmission Prediction
Identify outlier ESX hosts as per criteria
Overlay of Service-Now Incident data
Shadow performance and resource consumption metrics